"Opportunity", "Inspiration", "Creativity."  A simple gift of a dictionary can
change the life of a child, providing the words that unlock a world of reading,
writing and advanced learning.  This is the guiding principle behind  The Dictionary Project
and it has inspired two Rotary Clubs, Rotary Club of Austin University Area (RCAUA) and
Club Rotario Reynosa, to bring the magic of dictionaries to Escuela Primaria Ramon 
Mario Bahena Rodriguez in Reynosa.  
Spearheaded by Betty Richardson of RCAUA and Wes Garcia of Club Rotario Reynosa, 
120 dictionaries in Spanish and English were purchased by the RCAUA foundation, and 
distributed by Club Rotario Reynosa to the school.  The goal is to give each 4th grade and
6th grade student their own personal dictionary. The teachers and students at Ramon Mario 
Behena are really excited about the dictionaries.  
Delivering those dictionaries in person on October 7, 2019 to the school was "gratifying", "rewarding”  
and "satisfying" - you can see how much the kids love them in this picture with Betty and school 
principal Dr. Ismael Rodriguez.